Slipping Anti-Abortionism Into a Sermon? Don’t.

Dearest J,

I’m a bit livid after today’s church service which reinforced an anti-abortion narrative. The guest pastor, who is really the college ministry director, was going over Jonah 4, when he brought up something about how if:

  • There was an undiagnosed illness his wife had while they were trying to conceive their 2nd child, and that when they figured out what was “wrong” with his wife’s body, they had their 2nd kid

  • A politician did something politically to reinforce anti-abortionism, how would that make us feel? And he brought up the verse, of God “knitting us in our mother’s womb”

  • A politician did something against aliens, how would we feel, referencing verses about “how we were once in Egypt too”

Something really rubbed me the wrong way about this sermon.

I wrote about my issue about abortion commentary in evangelical church before here.

Whatever Happened To The Human Race? (2010) | Full Movie | Michael Hordern

The documentary:


Like, what in the BAJESUS is wrong with people.


But there was the combo about something wrong with his wife’s body, plus him being a dude talking about what women should with their bodies. It reminded me of this art post as well, a white male (non-Muslim) making artwork about hijab-wearing women. Maybe … fucking don’t?

Reference: Marco Biagini (whom I call, Marco Poopoogini)
Name of artwork: “High Visibility Burqa” (2015):


Call me crazy, but I think men shouldn’t have a say with women. If a woman wants to wear a hijab it’s her business.

If she needs to get an abortion, it’s ALSO her business.

If she’s being forced in either situation to do either thing, they’re both wrong.

Does that make me conservative, liberal, or neither?

Neither. Probably.

I’m just actually sincerely pissed about this.

Ok I’m glad I got this off my chest, thanks for listening J.

<3 Fay



On Feb 23rd, that guy got “ordained” as a pastor from my church. I guess he’s going to now go out and build a church. On one hand, I’m pissed he got away with his anti-abortion message, but I’m happy he’s leaving my church to go start his own. I’m still actually pretty pissed about this. But I’m at least happy he’s going away, hopefully never to give another sermon at my church. Cheers!


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